QUICK Tutorial Part 2 - By Dean Garraghty
(c)1994 Dean Garraghty

Quick is still available from us: www.dgs.clara.net

Last time we looked at how to implement a FOR...NEXT loop in QUICK. This time we'll get a little more advanced and look at string handling and ARRAYs. Simple graphics will come in Part 3 next issue!

In Basic, a string is simply defined at the start of the program by using the DIM statement, followed by the variable name and its maximum length. E.g. DIM TEST$(20) would create a string called TEST which could hold a maximum of 20 characters. QUICK handles strings in a similar, but surprising, way. In QUICK a string is actually treated as an ARRAY. Why is this? Well, a string is basically an array of individual characters. Most procedural programming languages work this way. Again, Basic is a bit of a black sheep! Consider these two programs which do exactly the same thing:

    Basic                                QUICK
    5 DIM NAME$(20)                      ARRAY
    10 PRINT"ENTER YOUR NAME"            [
    20 INPUT NAME$                         NAME(20)
    30 PRINT"HELLO ";NAME$               ]
                                           PRINT("ENTER YOUR NAME")
                                           PRINT("HELLO ",NAME)

As you can see, the QUICK version uses an array to hold the string. In Basic we use the $ symbol to denote the variable as a string. In QUICK we don't do this. ARRAYs are not only used for strings in QUICK. They can be used to hold data as well. Consider these two programs, which do exactly the same thing:

    Basic                                QUICK

    10 DIM NUMBERS(9)                    ARRAY
    20 RESTORE 70                        [
    25 FOR X=0 TO 9                        NUMBERS(10)
    30 READ TEMP                         ]
    40 NUMBERS(X)=TEMP                     BYTE
    50 NEXT X                            [
    55 FOR Y=0 TO 9                        X
    60 PRINT NUMBERS(Y)                    TEMP
    65 NEXT Y                            ]
    70 DATA 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0          MAIN
                                           WHILE X<10

You should, hopefully, be able to follow the Basic code. Now let's discuss the QUICK code. First of all we have to define an ARRAY variable to hold our data. We will call this NUMBERS, but we could have called it almost anything. Basic and QUICK differ when defining ARRAYs. The ARRAY in our case is to hold 10 numbers. In both Basic and QUICK these numbers are internally indexed 0 to 9. That means the first number of the ARRAY is actually cell 0. In Basic we define NUMBERS with DIM NUMBERS(9), but in QUICK we define NUMBERS as an ARRAY of 10. This is where Basic and QUICK differ. However, when using the array, Basic and QUICK are the same. In our example, the number 5 in our array is actually accessed by NUMBERS(4).

QUICK has a facility for loading data straight into an ARRAY, but Basic hasn't, so you have to use a FOR...NEXT loop. In QUICK we used DATA(NUMBERS) followed by our data list contained in [ ]. All we had to do then was print the ARRAY to the screen. This was done using a WHILE loop. TEMP is a temporary variable used to hold the contents of each cell of the array before printing. Notice WHILE X<10, because the cells are numbered 0 to 9.

When you run the QUICK program you will notice that the numbers appear on the screen straight away, but the Basic program takes a bit of time before the numbers appear!

I've gone through quite a bit this issue, so I'll let your head have a rest now! As usual, the best way to understand all of this is to get your QUICK disk out and have a fiddle! See you next time!
Originally published in The Atari 8-bit News-Paper.

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